Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Vintage/Nostalgia/Throwback *hashtag

Every trend gets rinsed and repeated, mostly, its fashion related (see the bucket hats). From time to time, the cultural trend setters thought its time to portray certain lifestyles and cultures.

For the longest time running, many things have been soaked thoroughly in the good ol' days. Words like: vintaged, retrolicious, nostalgic, dapper, throwback is mentioned in every single social networking post.

I like the way some things are done the old way because it really is better not just because it is for being vintage. I see people selling chicken/ping pong print bowl or green metal cup for more than $2-3 I want to just take it and throw at the face of the seller.

I feel some people do these old things for the sake of being vintage. Not always, old is gold. Before anyone things I'm anti-culture or anti-trend hard ass, let me first come and say that I'm into the notion that for somethings, old is gold. Not all things, but some. Those that is really gold, you do not see the teens doing it because they do not get to show off doing it. For instance, chopping wood for fire, climbing flights of stairs to their 4 storeys and up HDB flats (hell, even young people who live on 2nd floor also take lift). I believe that in our ancestors age, they discovered many things, some of these things were perfected back then. Hence we never change the way we do them. Sure, marketing may steer us towards the cash cows instead.

For instance: shaving. Modern cartridge razors or electric razors are seriously bad for the skin yet some people only use that. They even use shaving cream for cartridge razor because that's how its done in the TV.
I don't see why anyone with a calculator at home will want to shave with a cartridge razor. 

Riding vespas. seriously, its a extremely overpriced scooter that just looks like its old. Remember to attached the silly looking helmets that over no protection to the cheeks and jaw with shades above it to complete the look.
Protect your forehead and your hair with this today. Also, goggles are as attachments to helmet only, not to be used by rider.

Vintage film cameras (unless you are a serious collector and/or photographer). Yes the images are warmer looking, but don't anyone who is not a professional photographer thinks that film is out? Its costly to develop, vintage cameras have too many moving parts that require alot of maintenance, some parts aren't in production anymore and are expensive to acquire. End of the day, you take these money-ripping things out to Haji lane or some weird back alley to take #stilllife #throwback #nostalgia photos only to post them into instagram or facebook only. Seriously, if you into photography for casual, just get a digital camera or basic DSLR. Don't come and step step (fake) one film camera user

cannot find any photos to illustrate my point as I do not want to offend any photographers but you get the point

Hair grooming, I just got into the slick back rockabilly thingy with my hair, I have always sported a side parting for most part of my adult life (at some point, it was spiking on its own like a gong kuay aka rooster). But nowadays I feel alot of things revolve around the dapper gentlemen kind of look. How come we are into dapper all of a sudden? Answer: Mad Men tv series.

The styling is good, although I felt that initially the clothing was a bit badly fitted, due to budget I suppose. But in mad men, its all about the hair and the slick. In sunny (sweaty, sticky) island Singapore, we face a very very different weather and climate versus our golden haired counter parts in the west. In many hobbies, there will be this group of people who call themselves purist. I honestly hate this term, not for what it represents but for the fact that this term is being abused and destroyed utterly by people with internet. For example, previously mentioned 'photographers' and in men's grooming case, usage of products that are from the past or making them overpriced. Pomade debates on oil-based vs water-based pomades for example. I can understand if American's do it. Firstly, they have seen oil-based pomades all their life. Their dad's did it, their grandfather did it and now, they are doing it, no wrong. Another reason is also their everyday drug store (our guardian or watsons equivalent) sells it since back it was first sold in early 1900s.

But what I cannot stand is Singaporeans who 'swear by' oil based pomades. Seriously serious? Swear by is kinda a strong word. Its true that forums have listed out the advantages of oil based pomades, but can you imagine, in humid Singapore where your pillow case has residue of grease? Its disgusting. Oil based pomades do not wash off in 3 or less washes of shampoo (PUB bills not you pay that's why shampoo until so song *shiok right?)
Cock grease for "cocks"

But I'm not here to change your habits, I'm just telling my readers (not like its alot, but surely there are some), do not buy into the crap marketing people push down your throat. Best is to educate yourself, make your own judgement. Always remember that you are in Singapore, not America, don't blindly follow people from another country.

look at this lovely vintage photo of Tong Ah (which is now moved a few units down the street, if you see this part of the building, turn right and keep going down to find, due to lease or something). Also look at that 'vintage' Honda Odyssey as well.

Also, Dr Martens boots (although Red wing is even more expensive, but it is better) and $400 denim is also over-rated and grossly overpriced. Sorry, I love the way they look, but seriously, $400 for a pair of jeans? Perhaps if you are such a purist, maybe you could find out the purpose denim is being invented for. I do not believe miners were folding cuffs to show off the red selvedge to other miners or laughing at them when they are not wearing any japanese denim or 500 oz rhino skin denim.

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